Monday, August 27, 2012

You ARE a MORON!!!

Over the years the phrase "fall from grace" has applied to many people, for example, Richard Nixon, Bill Clinton, Tiger Woods, Lindsey Lohan, Michael Vick, Britney Spears, Chris Brown...the list goes on and on. Each were publicly exposed as the evidence of their scandalous behavior came to light. To make things worse the media repeatedly told the story, making the scandal even more scandalous, the humiliation more humiliating, and their "fall" the talk of the town...EVERY town.

The sad thing is that each of these people had accomplished some great things in their lives and in the blink of an eye it is all forgotten and overshadowed as they, in a single moment,  fell from grace...


An oxymoron is a statement or phrase that completely contradicts itself, for example, the living dead, larger half, or pretty ugly.....I have always been intrigued by oxymorons, yes I know...that's strange, but I love to catch's like they try to disguise themselves so that they go's like a sick joke that they try to play on the english language and unsuspecting people.  

Most oxymorons are easy to recognize, because they are...well oxymorons!! But every once in a while one will come along that is cleverly concealed; this is the oxymoron that I am anxious to catch! 

The other day, as I heard about someone's "fall from grace" it struck me... YOU are a OXYMORON that is. I immediately EXPOSED the culprit and called it out, "it is impossible to fall from grace", I said. "How dare you try to trick me!!"

I went on to explain to this....this...this MORON that grace is unmerited favor... it's something that you can't earn or buy. Jesus Christ died so that we could have grace. GRACE is a free gift, given to us by our loving one can take can't lose it...nor can you fall from it! 

Mankind might think that because you make a bad choice, do something wrong, or just flat out make a STUPID mistake, that you "fall from grace"...maybe their grace, which is NOT authentic grace anyway because mankind's grace  ALWAYS has a price tag. 

The term "fall from grace" is not a phrase that you will hear Christ say, first off all because, as oxymorons go, it contradicts everything He says, but also because this is an idiom that come's from man. It refers to a loss of status or prestige--which are things that we DO NOT have with Christ anyway. (Acts 10:34) 

I believe that people enjoy watching others "fall from grace" because somehow they think it moves them up on the grace-o-meter which, in turn, gives them even more grace and more status. In simple terms, it makes them feel better about themselves.  Just remember this....every time you use the term "fall from grace"  you will be the one falling..... falling victim to great oxyMORON villain. 

If we could only see through the eyes of Christ--we would see the good in people--because GRACE covers the rest.

[All] are justified and made upright and in right standing with God, freely and gratuitously by His grace (His unmerited favor and mercy), through the redemption which is [provided] in Christ Jesus....Romans 3: 24

Don't be a MORON, be a CHRISTIAN...instead of talking about their fall, HELP them UP!!

Just Bb

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