Thursday, September 22, 2011

"I want these streets"--(the heart of an evangelist)

...we don't evaluate people by what they have or how they look. We looked at the Messiah that way once and got it all wrong, as you know. We certainly don't look at him that way anymore. Now we look inside, and what we see is that anyone united with the Messiah gets a fresh start, is created new. The old life is gone; a new life burgeons! Look at it! All this comes from the God who settled the relationship between us and him, and then called us to settle our relationships with each other. God put the world square with himself through the Messiah, giving the world a fresh start by offering forgiveness of sins. God has given us the task of telling everyone what he is doing. We're Christ's representatives. God uses us to persuade men and women to drop their differences and enter into God's work of making things right between them. We're speaking for Christ himself now: Become friends with God; he's already a friend with you. 2 Cor 5:16-20 The Message

Noun  /iˈvanjəˌlizəm/

1. The spreading of the Christian gospel by preaching or personal witness.
2. Zealous advocacy of a cause.

Years ago I had a dream, and in this dream I was sitting on the altar at Christ's Church with my Pastor and he said, "This is what I want you to preach." and he wrote a sermon title on a piece of paper. The pen in his hand was black but as he wrote the words were in red...It said, "Giving God's Word wings." I looked up and the walls of the church were gone, the colorful stained glass windows were flowing in the wind and I could see the streets of 2nd ave. I woke up with a message and a heart cry...I want these streets. 

Several years later as I was writing my book, Peter's Freedom Walk the 12 steps of Acts 12, I was on step 11 which is Evangelism and I kept hearing "Giving God's Word Wings." I was praying about how to illustrate this message and as I was driving the Lord spoke very clearly to me and said, "Look at the Dandelion" I have to admit I was quite puzzled and intrigued by this...I mean what does this little yellow weed that everyone is trying to get rid of have anything to do with evangelism. 

I began to do a little study of dandelions and discovered that there was more to them than meets the eye. They are more than a weed, EVERY part of the dandelion is useful the root, the leaves, the stem and the flower. They are used for food, medicine, even dye for coloring. It has also been used to cure heart trouble...Wow who knew. I thought it was just a pesky little weed whose picture often graced the label of weed killers. 

As I was reading all these interesting facts about the dandelion I couldn't help but think, "What does this have to do with evangelism Lord?" and then I saw...That little yellow flower becomes the little blow thingies we used to love as a child. No wonder dandelions reproduce like CRAZY!! After they die they take on a new form and when the wind blows hundreds of seeds are spread for up to 5 MILES!!! Then that seed takes root and the process starts over...that dandelion spreads 5 miles....and so on and so forth...Isn't this what God told Adam and Eve to do..."Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it." (Gen 1:28)

People may look at me as a weed, as something they just want to get rid of. But what I have inside (Christ) brings healing, and it cures the heart, and I intend to take it to the world.... Just recently God has begun to stir something inside of me, He's reminding me of that battle cry that he placed inside of me years ago... As I remember that dream, I can't help but see the Church without walls...The walls that too often keep Church in and the streets out, (not because we want them separated--they just sometimes are) I want to see those walls removed, I want those on the outside to see whats on the inside...Hear my heart...I WANT THESE STREETS!! 

Pastor Brandiilyne

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Trees planted by the River

They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season.Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do.--Psalm 1:3 NLT

As I lie restless in bed tonight, I began to think about why I am here; here in Jones Co. MS. There is only one answer and that is the call of God. He planted me here in the city of Laurel for a purpose. He placed me right in the inner city of the avenues and placed a love in my heart for my community that makes me see heaven when I look at the neighboring crack houses and dark alleys. God planted me, a former junkie, in the middle of a drug infested neighborhood, filled with opportunity to relapse; and He did it for His glory.

Everything I am saying I hope humilty echos in my words and all the glory bounces straight up to MY GOD! He took me out of my self-inflicted prison and He set me free, only to bring me back to the very place I came as a 12 year old to party. I wish I could express my love for this community and the people who live here but I'm not sure there are words to describe this. He sowed into my heart the seeds of love, commitment, and tenacity that were vital to see a ministry birthed.

God brought me here to start Dying to Live Ministries. I have agonized over things, I have wept seemingly endlessly through this process, I have spent many sleepless nights, much like this one, praying, planning, and reflecting. And every time I come back to the day that He saved me and I'm humbled. He plucked me from the grips of addiction and sure death and He planted me by the Water and He made me (a junkie, prostitute, useless, unproductive alcoholic) one of His beloved children. He made my roots go deep into His River of Life which nurtures my very being, and I pray that the fruit that I bear produces life, hope, joy, freedom, and especially love in the middle of what, to most, seems to be a barren land. I know that I fall short in this horrible condition called humanity, and I pray that those who are unfortunate enough to witness it can forgive my flesh and see beyond my flaws to see Him.

This past year has been the most challenging and difficult of my ministry, but tonight as I lie here @ 2:13 AM I'm grateful for the fire. I hope everyone who reads this hears my heart-I am so grateful to my entire ministry team I think of you as my "miracle" team because every time I look at you I get to see a miracle from beginning to end. God transformed you all right before my eyes and if I never achieve anything else in my walk with God I can say that through Him you are my greatest accomplishment. I believe that God has even bigger things in store for each one of you and I pray that you all do greater things for God than I could even imagine.

I'm not completely sure why I have sat down and put my heart out here like this, I do believe that The Holy Spirit unctioned me to get out of bed and share this with everyone, for a reason. I want to close this with an encouraging word. No matter how low you have been, no matter how bad it seems remember it is God who pulls us from the pit of despair (Psalm 40) and He gives us beauty for ashes (Isa 61).

Only God can take our mess and make it HIS Masterpiece.--Pastor Brandiilyne Irvin

Dear Jones County--We here at DTL Ministries have committed our lives to serve this community and watch God set it free from the effects of drug and alcohol addiction! We want to see every man, woman, teen, and family that has been affected by addiction set free and reconciled--This is our call--This is our BATTLE-CRY--This is our MISSION--Isa 61:1-4

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Religious Etiquette

"Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when he becomes one, you make him twice as much a son of hell as you are." Matt 23:15 NIV

Before I got saved I was a wild drug addict, over the top and radical. I was definitely a force to be reckoned with. Everything I did I took it to the extreme, and my first encounter with God was no different. I had an experience with God comparable to that of Paul on the road to Damascus. He knocked me off my high horse flat of my back--I had to be lifted off the floor!

After I met Christ I became a radical young Christian with a wild faith and an extreme walk. I would pray anytime anywhere for anyone! I was prepared to anoint you with oil if you were sick, or give you my testimony if you were standing in line with me at wal-mart for any length of time. I would run to the altar during worship and just weep in His presence, crying out to my Father! I LOVED EVERYONE & accepted them 100% inviting them to church (this scared the old saints to death)....I didn't "know" that some of these things were considered rude or unacceptable according to the unwritten rules of religious etiquette.

These were things that an immature "baby" Christian would do...If I wanted to be used and in the "grown-up" class I would have to straighten up and stop all this non-sense. No one actually said anything, but the disapproving looks and the embarrassment on the faces of the "mature" saints were all I needed to know that I was being foolish and I had to grow up so I could fit in. So I regretfully buffered my passion, toned down my worship, and prayed a little quieter.

It wasn't long before I looked around and the white gloved aristocrats were nowhere to be found...and unfortunately neither was the radical young Christian girl who was so zealous, and passionate about worshipping and serving God. She had become bound by "religious etiquette" I went from a passionate young Christian who was in love with Christ to an arrogant pias religious conformist.

It was then that I decided that this world needs a few more radical Christians with a wild unbridled faith and a lot less conditioned débutante's. I am so in love with Christ and I decided that no one would ever silence my proclamations ever again! I decided to be that "baby" Christian that is crazy about my King and not afraid or ashamed to tell the world...or a rusty old religious Christian...

I'm grateful that I have the wisdom and character of a mature Christian---but I cherish the spirit of a baby Christian. Today I have a childlike excitement and a new love that might shock some people and break EVERY single rule of religious etiquette...but I don't care!!! I will WORSHIP like a child...LOVE like a child....BELIEVE like a child.... DANCE like a child and I will TALK to my Daddy as long and loud as I want! I will not allow myself to become bound by religion---I'm throwing etiquette out the window!

GOD is LOVE and I WILL LOVE as He loves--PERIOD...YOU will NOT bully me any longer, or silence me I don't care how many times you try to shut me up--I am  STILL a Christian--over the top and radical...a force to be reckoned with! 

Just Bb

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

That Place...The Hiding Place

You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance. Selah Psalm 32:7 NIV

I have a chocolate lab, her name is Coco (I know kudos for originality:) and she is a big ole baby! My husband Luke has spoiled her rotten. Although Coco is 85 lbs. she thinks she's a 5 lb. lapdog. She jumps right up into Luke's lap and she's just as happy as she can be.

Coco is an amazing watch dog, she is very protective of our family. She is ready to attack anyone or anything that becomes a threat to our household. She has a bark that is heard a block away; she makes sure that the enemy knows she's there and she's ready to kill if necessary! She's fearless until THE STORM COMES!!

Coco is deathly afraid of bad weather, as soon as the thunder rolls her fearless bark turns into a terrified whimper. As soon a the weather turns bad Coco has one thing on her mind, her daddy! She wants Luke! She runs to his feet and immediately jumps in his lap, daddy always calms her down. He begins to pet her and just the sound of his voice comforts her; as long as she's in his arms she's ok.

There are days in my life when I feel invincible; I feel like, as my Pastor always says, "I can take on hell with a water pistol!" There are times when I have the strength to protect others from the threat of the enemy, and there are times that I can just speak and mountains crumble. But when that STORM COMES, the one that has no end in sight; the one that is destroying everything in it's path; the one that makes things so dark that you can't even see; the one that brings overwhelming terror! That's when I run for cover--

Christ is always my strength, my power, and my everything. He is the reason that I am able to do ALL things. He understands my humanity so He has a hiding place just for me. A secret place where He wraps me in His arms and sings to me. The Lord of all creation...singing to me. The sound of His voice and the comfort of His touch makes all the fear, all the worry, and all the pain just disappear.

Can you hear Him? "My sweet baby this may seem frightening but I have given you a spirit of power and sound mind." My precious daughter this is a part of My plan and when the clouds lift you will see the beauty of it all." Dearest son, you are more than a conqueror because I dwell within you." My child I love you more than you can begin to imagine; rest now in the shadow of My wing."

Any time the storm is raging, and the sounds of destruction are booming all around run to that place...The Hiding Place and listen for Your Father's lullaby. He's waiting there for You....

Pastor Brandiilyne

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Born Sept 26th 2003 (My testimony)

I waited patiently for the LORD; he turned to me and heard my cry.
He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the LORD. Psalm 40:1-3 NIV

My 8th birthday is quickly coming up, and as I think about what God has done in my life I look back to remember where He brought me from. So here testimony.

When I was a very young child, I would sneak my Dad's beer. Each time I would go to the fridge to bring him one I would open it and take a sip. It wasn't long before I would just take a whole beer. My Mom and Dad divorced when I was just 9 years old, I was devastated. I continued to drink and by the time I was 11 I was using drugs. It started with Marijuana, I found something that seemed to make it all go away. I was getting high anyway I possibly could, its amazing what a 12 year old can come up with.

I began having seizures when I was 12 and the Dr. told me I had to stay away from any type of drugs or alcohol because it would trigger these dangerous seizures that had the potential to kill me. But I didn't care if I died so I continued using and by the time I was 13 I was using cocaine and ecstasy; my life was spiraling out of control.

One night when I was 14 I was in a hotel room with some friends and there was a guy there with a bag full of x pills and he just kept feeding them to me; I was just lying on the bed with my eyes rolling back into my head. My friends left, I was there with 2 adult men...I'm not sure how I got home or what even happened that night, but I am very sure that I almost died. I checked myself into rehab immediately after that. After only 2 weeks in treatment I was asked to leave, and I went straight back to my drug use.

When I was 15 I found out I was pregnant; I was 16 when my son as born. I tried to settle down and do the right thing, but the monster inside SCREAMED to be fed. So I answered the call. I left my husband and ran to the drugs, dragging my son along with me.

One night when I was 22 I had been out partying and I had a seizure, when I came to my senses I was being raped by a "friend". I just pretended that it never happened. By this time I was wrapped up in selling drugs to support my habit and I was severely depressed. When I was 24 I came home from the 2 for 1 margarita night and I just couldn't take it anymore...I jut wanted to die, so I took a whole bottle of Klonopin. I woke up in the hospital as they were pumping my stomach, I spent a few days in the psych ward and they sent me home.

My brother came and brought me back to MS. I thought that moving from Birmingham to a small town I would be safe. I was finally going to be out of the drug scene and I could get my life together. But it was in small town America that I was introduced to Crystal Meth.

Meth immediately became my master...she dictated every thing I did. I quickly went from smoking Meth to shooting it...I was a junkie. One day when I was 28 years old, I was sitting in a cheap motel with just the clothes on my back; I had lost everything. I called my Mom to come and get me. I had nowhere to go so my son and I moved into her home and she brought us to Christ's Church in June (Father's Day) of 2003.

I didn't want to be in church or have anything to do with God; I was angry at God. I was in church because I had to be...But God had a different plan. Sept. 26th 2003 I met God face to face and He radically saved me & delivered me from a 17 year addiction. When I met Him I found everything that I had been searching for in the drugs and alcohol--

I immediately felt the call of God on my life and I haven't looked back. When I was just 2 years old Dying to Live Ministries was started with only 3 people (including me) today we have over 200 members, 3 meetings a week in 2 different counties. We have 9 ministries operating to help people break free from bondage. This month we are opening our recovery center; Z.A.C. (Zeal And Compassion) for women. It will be a place for women who struggle with addiction.

God has built this ministry from the ground up, He has blessed it and I am so grateful that He allows me to be a part of it! I am surrounded by miracles every single day...THANK YOU LORD for saving me, it's been the best 8 years of my life and I know that it's only just begun.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

If God's not allowed in--it's because you stopped Him at the door....

 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers. Gal 6:9-10 NIV

I hear people saying things like, "They took God out of the schools!" -- "God is not allowed in my work place!" -- "They are removing God from__________ (you fill in the blank)" And I suppose "THEY" think that they really have removed God from our schools and workplaces; but "THEY" don't have the power to remove God from these places because "THEY" cannot remove God from you...

Mother Teresa once said, "Preach the Gospel and if necessary use words." Our lives should be a sermon--it should sing a song of worship to our Lord. People should see God walk into the office every single day-- "THEY" may be able to silence us to an extent, but they CANNOT stop the love of Christ. You don't have to VOCALIZE a prayer for it to be heard!

A gardner doesn't just go out and aimlessly throw seeds on the ground--NO he prepares that ground. He removes the stones, kills the weeds, breaks up the soil and then he plants the seed. Love prepares the heart for the seed... We are the only Christ that the world will ever see. Don't be afraid to tell the world, "I am a CHRISTIAN" just do it with your actions, save the words for later.

Instead of fight about putting Christ back into Christmas let's work on putting CHRIST back into CHRISTians!

STOP fighting and start LOVING

Just Bb

Friday, September 2, 2011

An Appointed Time--Z.A.C.

Zac Ainsworth 
Mar. 2, 1988-Oct. 7, 2007
We love & miss you Zac

And the Lord answered me and said, Write the vision and engrave it so plainly upon tablets that everyone who passes may [be able to] read [it easily and quickly] as he hastens by.
   For the vision is yet for an appointed time and it hastens to the end [fulfillment]; it will not deceive or disappoint. Though it tarry, wait [earnestly] for it, because it will surely come; it will not be behindhand on its appointed day. Hab 2:3 AMP

Today I drove by the Z.A.C. House and it hit me--THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING! It's been 4 long years of prayer, tears, work, and many disappointments. God gave me a vision, "Build a house for the broken ones! A place where they can come so He can fix them." I could see this place off in the distance--I had the vision. It was as if it were on the other side of a huge canyon, and there was no bridge--but every time I took a step toward it there would be a wooden plank under my foot--God was building the bridge with each step of faith I took.
I have questioned the timing MANY times..."GOD how much longer do we have to wait--How many more people do I have to turn away!?!" But today as I read this verse I knew that all this is in His perfect time...I was beginning to think that I would never reach the other side of this canyon! But as I look back I see that the journey was just as important as the destination.
Everything seems surreal, and a bit overwhelming but PRAISE GOD It's TIME! Now as I look up I see a new journey, and I'm looking forward to the walk.

Pastor Brandiilyne