Thursday, July 12, 2012

That 'Love' does include gay people--JESUS

So...has anyone else noticed these annoying "Share if you love Jesus" FB statuses? Or "Like if you are a Christian" I think these are the biggest "cop out" any Christian can take part in. I mean it's easy to share a status but that's not what makes you a Christian at all...IT'S sharing the LOVE of Christ that qualifies you as a Christian. I am so sickened by sanctimonious pseudo christianity! People actually believe that if they wear a t-shirt or have a bumper sticker that says, "honk if you love Jesus" that they are Christians...UGH

People want to be all Christian on FB by sharing statuses & quoting Scripture and that's GREAT...FB can be used to encourage and exhort touches a lot of people. BUT when you start BEATING people UP with The WORD of God--THAT'S BULLYING!!! PERIOD!!! FB is not a school playground where you can PUSH somebody around and make them feel like LESS of a human being (publicly) Because you THINK you're "right"!!! NOR is FB a PULPIT!!!!

 It's NO WONDER people are turning from Christianity--- I myself am a Christian...but I find myself apologizing for the actions of these renegades who are disguising themselves and justifying their actions with a STUPID.... "I love Jesus STATUS" I can do or say whatever I want and be right all the while calling myself a Christian!! 

I can only imagine how Jesus would respond to the trendy "christianese terms" and "christian attire"... He would probably say something like, "Do you love me?" "FEED MY SHEEP" or "Love Me first, then LOVE EVERYONE...yes I mean EVERYONE as you love yourself." He would probably say, "Ugh...are you really wearing that, how embarrassing?" or "I want My people to hear My heart through your actions, not your horn." AND I'm certain He would say, "FB is the devil and that status about me is probably a virus that's going to crash your computer."

I read an awesome blog today... It was almost like I was reading about my life...(It's ironic that I have referred to myself as Jacob many times because of the wrestling match on the inside)..It will do you good to read it as well--MAYBE it will open your heart <-----READ THIS BLOG

I have NEVER endured so much rejection and bullying as I have over the past month. I have been deleted and blocked by the people that I loved most! I have been mutilated by their "double edged" sword as they posted verses aimed DIRECTLY at me....beating me with their Bible-- I couldn't believe that my 'christian' family was doing this to me...they hung a scarlet letter around my neck and burned me at the stake. All because they found out that I am gay....

Today as I scrolled down my FB page I saw one of these "I love Jesus" statuses posted by one of the few renegades that hasn't deleted me...The hypocrisy infuriated me and I wanted to comment and say, "Then why don't you love me?" 

Does your love come with limits?
Do you love people..until you get a glance inside their closets? Jesus loves me...He always has and He always will and He's always known WHO and WHAT I am. It's funny how your love for me changed when you met the real me....That my 'friend' is not Christlike at all!!! Jesus doesn't have a delete button...

Don't be STUPID.... 
Posting a status doesn't make you a Christian...being Christlike does. 

Just Bb  

1 comment:

  1. I'll just leave my haphazardly scrawled checkmark in the box beside "Yes." And nothing will change that.
