Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Why do you care?

‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.--Matt 25:40

Have you ever had someone ask you a question that, even though you knew the answer, in that moment you didn't know the answer? This happened to me recently, as I was talking with a new Christian who was walking away from a life of gang banging and drug dealing. This man was talking very passionately about what God was doing in his life, and I was just trying to fuel that fire that God had set inside of him. We were having an amazing conversation, then he stopped and looked at me and said, "why do you care so much?" I must admit I was taken aback by this question...a question to which I should have an answer. I said, "that's a deep question, I don't have an immediate answer for you...I need to search my heart so that I can answer it honestly." 

I went home and the questioned rolled over and over in my spirit. I suppose that I had lost sight of the why I was doing this and was set on the how to accomplish it. This saddened me...So I looked back at the beginning, the day I fell in love with Him.  I began to replay the early days of this ministry and I remembered a lady who was a prostitute and a crack addict; she came to group and as we began she threw her paper down and said, "This is just too much!!" I said, "Too much what?" She said, "Too much God!!" and she grabbed her things and quickly walked out. We prayed for her after group, convinced that we would never see her again. 

About a week later she just walked into the church weeping, and she said, "Help me, I just want to die! I need for you to pray with me!" So we went into the sanctuary and knelt down at the altar, and I led her to the Lord. She wrapped her arms around me and said, "THANK YOU so much!" I hugged her tightly and I remember she was so thin from her addiction that I could feel her ribs and in that moment the Lord spoke very clearly to me. He said, "What you do unto the least of these, you do unto me." and it was then that I realized, I had my arms around Jesus.

So I went back and told Ricky, "Jesus gave me everything; He gave me His life. I could never repay Him for what He's done for me, but I know how much He loves you, and the greatest gift I could give Him is you, and the greatest gift I could give you is Him." "When I love you, I love Him...When I minister to you, I minister to Him...When I feed you, I feed Him" That's why I care

Do you love Him?
Pastor Brandiilyne
Jesus in Disguise (A Dying to Live Video)
^ Click on video Link^

Saturday, December 24, 2011

The best Christmas...

It's Christmas Eve and I have spent the entire day with the ladies at the Z.A.C House. I was a little concerned that they might get discouraged because they had to spend Christmas in treatment, but we have had a wonderful day. We went to the gym, they cooked a fabulous Christmas dinner which they shared with their families who had come for a short visit. 

Later after their families left we opened a few gifts, then we all went to look at the Christmas lights. As we were walking through the park laughing hysterically, one of the ladies says, "This is the best Christmas I have ever had!" Then another spoke up and said, "me too!" She said, "I've never laughed this much, sober!" I didn't know you could have this much fun without being high!" I just listened to their conversation and my heart jumped! Thank You God, for the best Christmas...This is why I do what I do! Merry Christmas everyone I pray that you too have the best Christmas EVER!!
Pastor Brandiilyne

Saturday, December 10, 2011

A Big Dream Realized--A Surreal Moment

Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matt 19:26

Four years ago God gave me a vision; He showed me a place where women could come to find freedom. I remember the very first time He spoke to me about it, it was so strong and I was totally overwhelmed. I wept uncontrollable as the power of God fell on me. Something inside of me came alive in that moment. I was excited yet terrified; happy but was a pivotal moment in my life.

I could see it so clearly, it was like a movie unfolding in my minds eye. I was trembling as He revealed this to me He didn't leave out ay was overwhelming, seemingly impossible and completely out of reach. Despite the impossibilities I was not deterred; I knew it was from God, and I knew I would see this vision become a reality...Now how do I convince everyone else of it! 

I remember going to my Pastor with this wild dream, he looked at me and said, "dream big dreams!" I remember thinking, "he thinks I'm nuts..." But a few days later he called me in and he confirmed everything that God had shown me. He had caught the vision. That was the beginning of the Z.A.C Project 

Over the last few years I have watched God build this vision supernaturally. He opened un-openable doors. He brought people into my life at just the right moment. He made possible the impossible and
today that "big dream" has become a reality--

I have spent the last few days with the very first occupants of the Z.A.C House...its surreal...its fantastic...its overwhelming! MY GOD this is really happening. Everyone thought I was crazy--maybe I am but today I have seen a vision straight from God become reality! I have witnessed a miracle, I am a part of this miracle and I am humbled. 

 Thank you Lord for saving me and allowing me to be a part of your majestic plan, thank you for making Your big dreams my reality. 

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Heaven Scent--Can you smell Him

For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. -2Cor 2:15 

The sense of smell is a very powerful thing, a scent can trigger memories both good and bad. They can take you back to a place in a moment. I know when I smell bubblegum I think of my Great Grandmother "Gran-momma" she always had bubblegum on top of the refrigerator for all her grandkids. We would always run straight to the kitchen hop up on a chair and grab a piece, it was always there NEVER fail. So even now when I smell bubblegum I am quickly reminded of my wonderful Gran-momma. It activates a very special place in my heart and I'm flooded with sweet memories of my Gran-momma.....We all have our very own memories attached to certain scents. 

I read a true story about a little girl who was born premature and they did not expect her to live. She was so tiny that no one could even touch her until she was over 2 months old. But by the grace of God this child survived and is in perfect health, and 5 years later she was sitting in her mother's lap in the bleachers of a local ballpark where her brothers  baseball team was practicing.

As always, she was chattering non-stop with her mother and several other adults sitting nearby when she suddenly fell silent. Hugging her arms across her chest, she asked, "Do you smell that?" Smelling the air and detecting the approach of a thunderstorm, her mother replied, "Yes, it smells like rain."

She closed her eyes and again asked, "Do you smell that?" Once again, her mother replied, "Yes, I think we're about to get wet, it smells like rain. Still caught in the moment, she shook her head, patted her thin shoulders with her small hands and loudly announced, "No, it smells like Him. It smells like God when you lay your head on His chest." 

The aroma of Christ...This child recognized the smell of God. She knew it well, because the first 2 months of her life while no one on this earth could touch her God had kept her cradled in His arms.

 I know the smell of Christ, it's not like anything I can describe but I sense it every time He comes close to me. It's that smell that first attracted me to Him in the first place, I can't really explain it but it activated a place deep inside my heart. I had been searching for something my entire life, and when I found Him I knew it! It was Christ! ...Can you smell Him?

I recognize Heaven's scent every time I come near someone who spends time in His presence; again it activates the deepest place in my heart. It is this supernatural aroma that draws the lost to Him. Every time we step into His throne room and soak in His presence we leave saturated in the sweet aroma of Christ. When we come in contact with the lost, it's this scent that will activate their hearts and attract them to Him. 

Have you ever walked into one of those gas stations where they fry chicken? (Yes, I'm from the South) As soon as you walk in that smell attaches itself to you and it's next to impossible to get out of your clothes. It just STICKS to you like glue--everyone knows that smell. 

We smell like our surroundings; the places we spend most of our time.  Do you smell like the world? Or do you smell like Him?

Saturate yourself in the presence of God--Can you smell Him? 

Pastor Brandiilyne
Instead, clothe yourself with the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ...Rom 13:14