Sunday, January 29, 2012


Moreover the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: “Also take for yourself quality spices—five hundred shekels of liquid myrrh, half as much sweet-smelling cinnamon (two hundred and fifty shekels), two hundred and fifty shekels of sweet-smelling cane, five hundred shekels of cassia, according to the shekel of the sanctuary, and a hin of olive oil. And you shall make from these a holy anointing oil--Ex 30:22-25 

What it takes to make the holy anointing oil: myrrh, cinnamon, cane, cassia, and olive oil. Each ingredient is significant.

--Myrrh was a spice that was used as a pain killer (it was offered to Jesus on the cross) It is named myrrh because of its bitterness. Myrrh was also used in the embalming or anointing of the dead, so it came to represent mortality, suffering, and sorrow.

--Cinnamon oil was used to start fires 

-- Sweet Calamus (Cane) it's name comes from the root-term meaning "to stand upright" Calamus was a reed that grew in the miry soil; it was crushed to produce scented oil.

-- Cassia is a spice. This spice was used as a cleansing agent or a laxative. The Hebrew name for this particular spice comes from the root word signifying "to stoop" or to "bow down" 

--Olive oil In order to get olive oil you first have to harvest the olives, this required beating the tree which would cause the olives to fall to the ground. They were then gathered and taken to an olive press, where they would be crushed to extract the precious oil. 

All these ingredients were crushed and added to the precious olive oil-- The bitter and the sweet mixed together perfectly becomes HOLY ANOINTING!
The myrrh was very costly it had a sweet aroma, yet a very bitter taste. It came from a tree; when it was cut the pure medicinal myrrh would come out. The healing herb came from its wounds....
The cinnamon oil was used to ignite fires...
The calamus was crushed despite it's uprightness...
The cassia was purifying and humbling...
and the olive oil was bruised and crushed.--Sounds a lot like Jesus

In Matt 26 Jesus was anointed by the sinful woman; she poured the oil on His head preparing Him for His burial. --Just a few verses down Jesus is in the garden of Gethsemane and He is wresting in prayer, His very "soul was sorrowful even to death." He went farther into the garden agonizing over His destiny to the point that He was sweating blood. I can only imagine the pressure He felt. 
He went back only to find His disciples sleeping--I'm sure He wanted to say, "Don't you understand what I'm going through! Can't you at least stay awake!!' The truth is no one could relieve His pain---Jesus was being crushed in the olive grove. The very name Gethsemane literally means "olive press"-It was fresh oil, fresh anointing--God was preparing Him for something bigger!! 

Something amazing happens when we're crushed...

Anointing is costly-- wounds to bring healing... fire and zeal... being extracted from the mire just to be crushed... cleansing and humility... then comes a beating...and crushed again...HOLY ANOINTING

Are you willing to pay the price? 

Pastor Brandiilyne

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Does anybody hear me?

When I call, give me answers. God, take my side!..........hear me!---Psalm 4:1 MSG

Have you ever felt like no one was listening? They just don't get it...Every time we find ourselves in hard times this phenomenon happens. We tell everyone just how bad things are and just how much pain we're really in, and they seem to just nod and smile; sometimes we get a "I completely understand." Everything in us shouts NO!!! I don't think that you do!!!  So we go to the next person and repeat this process, somehow hoping that we can successfully express the pain we are experiencing, but again we fail to get the appropriate response. 

We go to God and shout PLEASE GIVE ME ANSWERS!!!! nothing.....(the sound of crickets serenading you in the silence) DOES ANYBODY HEAR ME???!!!! 

Then you read down a couple of verses....

Look at this: look Who got picked by God! He listens the split second I call to him.  Complain if you must, but don't lash out. Keep your mouth shut, and let your heart do the talking. Build your case before God and wait for his verdict...verses 3-5

...and wait

Friday, January 13, 2012

get a grip...better yet--lose it

But as for that [seed] in the good soil, these are [the people] who, hearing the Word, hold it fast in a just (noble, virtuous) and worthy heart, and steadily bring forth fruit with patience. Luke 8:15 AMP

The older I become the more I realize that with age I am beginning to change--dramatically.
My hair is turning white and my body just doesn't work as well as it did just 5 short years ago.... My joints, especially my hands, hurt and some days it seems that I am losing my grip. AND I'M ONLY 37!!!!!---I'm falling apart :(does anyone hear the violins):

As my body changes and matures so does everything else... The way I see things...The way I handle things and I'm finding it a whole lot easier to just let go of offenses when just five short years ago I would have a "death grip" on them!  I would "hold on" to the small stuff allowing them to infect me and steal my peace and my joy.

These days I have decided that my peace and joy are entirely too precious! I refuse to release them so that I can "grab hold" of something as simple as an offense. I realized that it's impossible to "hold on" to anger & peace simultaneously...I CHOOSE the latter!

I was in a class a couple months ago learning about the brain, and I got a clear picture of what maturity brings--intelligence over emotion-- meaning I lead my emotions not the other way around. Choosing to allow offenses to roll off of my back, is my intelligence leading my emotion.

A new maturity has come and I have "lost my grip" and given it to God. --I think I have spiritual arthritis -PRAISE's hurts a whole lot more to HOLD ON to something than it does to release it-- Most things are not even worth "taking hold" of in the first place-- so I don't sweat the small stuff; I choose to let it go! 

Choose your battles wisely...if there are no spoils its not worth the fight." (and remember being "right" is not a treasure it is pride.) My treasure is my personal peace and joy, and I'm so grateful that I've gotten "old" enough to lose my grip on the things that don't really matter, and I now cherish and protect the true spoils of life. LOVE, PEACE, & JOY.... 

Just Bb

OAN: Remember when you hold onto offenses it not only steals your peace and joy but it can rob those you love of theirs as well--

Thank God for Judas...

Rise! Let us go! Here comes my betrayer!” While he was still speaking, Judas, one of the Twelve, arrived. With him was a large crowd armed with swords and clubs, sent from the chief priests and the elders of the people. Now the betrayer had arranged a signal with them: “The one I kiss is the man; arrest him.” Going at once to Jesus, Judas said, “Greetings, Rabbi!” and kissed him. Jesus replied, “Do what you came for, friend.”--Matt 26:46-50

Jesus called him friend...Judas the one who followed Him, the one whom He called disciple...the one who, in the end, betrayed Him. The moment Judas kissed Him, Jesus said, "Do what you came for friend."--friend? I have meditated on this one word many times, but until now I haven't received a revelation of it's significance.

Judas was untrustworthy, he was a cheat, he was a deceiver who smiled and followed Jesus all the while his heart was full of evil intent. How could Jesus, Who knew his heart call him "friend"...I have suddenly realized how important Judas' role was in my life. If it were not for Judas' wicked heart, if it had not been for his greed where would you and I be? His betrayal ultimately led Christ to the cross. It was Jesus' betrayer, Judas Iscariot, who was key in Jesus fulfilling His purpose...THANK GOD for Judas!!

We too have some Judas' in our lives, they follow us and smile all the while their hearts are set against us...but they do have their place in our lives--But only if we follow the footsteps of our Example, Jesus Christ, and go to the cross. Thank God for my Judas' who are wicked and whose hearts are against me--you keep me close to Christ and give me the push I need to crucify my own flesh so that I can in turn be more like Him, My God, My King, My Jesus--

Pastor Brandiilyne

Thursday, January 12, 2012

King of kings--(who am I...really)

God, the blessed and only Ruler, the King of kings and Lord of lords 1 Tim 6:15

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 1 Peter 2:9

A royal priesthood–That’s me ROYALTY! I am a direct descendent of a King. Not just any king but the King of kings, so if My Father is the King of kings and I am a ROYAL priesthood, doesn’t that make me a king. I am a king because My Father is The King of kings, He’s my King! He bestows His best onto His children, I’m not just royalty or next in line…I am a king because of Who my Father is.

I have more authority, wealth, and a much bigger inheritance than any earthy king. My royalty doesn’t extend from mere man, my blood line runs from the heart of God–No man, no devil, nor any circumstance and certainly not my past, can take that away from me. God doesn’t just save us, He promotes us, He adopts us, He gives us everything that belongs to Him…all we have to do is ask!

I am more than a conqueror, I am blessed going in and blessed coming out, My Father owns the cattle on a thousand hills, He has given me the authority to trample on serpents and complete power over the “prince” of this world.. I am a king, a direct descendant of The King! When I walk in His anointing, His authority, wearing His ring I bring glory, not to myself, but to My King - My Father!

Every promise in My Father’s Book belongs to me, I have complete access to His throne, and I am His favorite! He will give me everything I could ever need. He made me royalty because He loves me that much! This is not a fairytale in a land far far away…no this the Truth and it is the Truth that sets us free–The Truth is the crown He placed on my head, it’s the Truth that empowers me and makes me who I am in Him.--and more than all this He has written my name in His book of life to receive me unto Himself!

Apart from my King I am a but pauper, but on His shoulders I am everything that He is…

Pastor Brandiilyne
To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood, and has made us kings and priests..Rev 1:5-6

Friday, January 6, 2012

What's eating you?!

Whoever goes about slandering reveals secrets; therefore do not associate with a simple babbler.--Prov 20:19

Why does it seem to feel so good to some to feast on the weaknesses and mistakes of others? In some twisted up way it feeds that beast called pride to poke at other's humanity and snicker at their mistakes. Have you ever met a person who seems to carry around a picnic basket just filled with juicy gossip about  everyone? They "know" all the deepest and darkest secrets and they simply love to pull them out and feed them to you...BEWARE!! If you partake of gossip, you will quickly find yourself a victim of the same poison...because he who gossips to you will ALWAYS gossip about you.

Those who talk about others to you are usually gathering information about you and storing it up to share at someone else's table. Don't allow anyone to speak ill of others, even it what they are saying is "true" and ending the sentence with "bless their heart" doesn't justify or make it ok!!! Gossip KILLS people!!!

If they can prove that they are without sin, or have never made a mistake then maybe just maybe they can speak, but it will be after they show me the scars on their hands and feet because they must be Jesus! Surround yourself with people who want to feed you Truth (God's Word) and build others up.

Don't allow gossip (about you) to hurt you or keep you up at night...God will take care of it if you will just give it to Him. Let Him fight your battles and defend you; He will take care of your enemies in your silence...but if you rise up and try to fight for yourself He will let you--GIVE IT TO GOD!

Whoever slanders his neighbor secretly I will destroy...Psalm 101:5

"The LORD will fight for you while you keep silent."--Ex 14:14

Just Bb

PS...How many times did you say Amen as you were reading this?...or nod your head in agreement? The truth is each one of you (myself included) ....Just think before you speak--would I want this to be the topic of conversation if it were about me? Take the high road--walk away from the table...before you become the main course