He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the LORD. Psalm 40:1-3 NIV
My 8th birthday is quickly coming up, and as I think about what God has done in my life I look back to remember where He brought me from. So here goes...my testimony.
When I was a very young child, I would sneak my Dad's beer. Each time I would go to the fridge to bring him one I would open it and take a sip. It wasn't long before I would just take a whole beer. My Mom and Dad divorced when I was just 9 years old, I was devastated. I continued to drink and by the time I was 11 I was using drugs. It started with Marijuana, I found something that seemed to make it all go away. I was getting high anyway I possibly could, its amazing what a 12 year old can come up with.
I began having seizures when I was 12 and the Dr. told me I had to stay away from any type of drugs or alcohol because it would trigger these dangerous seizures that had the potential to kill me. But I didn't care if I died so I continued using and by the time I was 13 I was using cocaine and ecstasy; my life was spiraling out of control.
One night when I was 14 I was in a hotel room with some friends and there was a guy there with a bag full of x pills and he just kept feeding them to me; I was just lying on the bed with my eyes rolling back into my head. My friends left, I was there with 2 adult men...I'm not sure how I got home or what even happened that night, but I am very sure that I almost died. I checked myself into rehab immediately after that. After only 2 weeks in treatment I was asked to leave, and I went straight back to my drug use.
When I was 15 I found out I was pregnant; I was 16 when my son as born. I tried to settle down and do the right thing, but the monster inside SCREAMED to be fed. So I answered the call. I left my husband and ran to the drugs, dragging my son along with me.
One night when I was 22 I had been out partying and I had a seizure, when I came to my senses I was being raped by a "friend". I just pretended that it never happened. By this time I was wrapped up in selling drugs to support my habit and I was severely depressed. When I was 24 I came home from the 2 for 1 margarita night and I just couldn't take it anymore...I jut wanted to die, so I took a whole bottle of Klonopin. I woke up in the hospital as they were pumping my stomach, I spent a few days in the psych ward and they sent me home.
My brother came and brought me back to MS. I thought that moving from Birmingham to a small town I would be safe. I was finally going to be out of the drug scene and I could get my life together. But it was in small town America that I was introduced to Crystal Meth.
Meth immediately became my master...she dictated every thing I did. I quickly went from smoking Meth to shooting it...I was a junkie. One day when I was 28 years old, I was sitting in a cheap motel with just the clothes on my back; I had lost everything. I called my Mom to come and get me. I had nowhere to go so my son and I moved into her home and she brought us to Christ's Church in June (Father's Day) of 2003.
I didn't want to be in church or have anything to do with God; I was angry at God. I was in church because I had to be...But God had a different plan. Sept. 26th 2003 I met God face to face and He radically saved me & delivered me from a 17 year addiction. When I met Him I found everything that I had been searching for in the drugs and alcohol--
I immediately felt the call of God on my life and I haven't looked back. When I was just 2 years old Dying to Live Ministries was started with only 3 people (including me) today we have over 200 members, 3 meetings a week in 2 different counties. We have 9 ministries operating to help people break free from bondage. This month we are opening our recovery center; Z.A.C. (Zeal And Compassion) for women. It will be a place for women who struggle with addiction.
God has built this ministry from the ground up, He has blessed it and I am so grateful that He allows me to be a part of it! I am surrounded by miracles every single day...THANK YOU LORD for saving me, it's been the best 8 years of my life and I know that it's only just begun.
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