Thursday, July 21, 2011

Through the eyes of a child--"spiritual eyes"

And He said, "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven," Matt 18:3-4 NIV

"Become like little children"  This inspires me beyond words. Something magical happens in the hearts and minds of children - to them, there is beauty and potential in everything they see. They can enjoy themselves in the most dire of circumstances. Poverty can't even suppress their imagination. As a matter of fact, I think the poorest of children become the greatest entrepreneurs-launching unbelievable ventures in whatever quest lies before them!

An adult can never "see" the things a child sees. For instance, when an adult comes across a stick and rock, they see obstacles that are just in the way, but a child will have their own little world series! A child's vision is supernatural- they can be all alone leading a symphony while the trees dance to the music!

Somehow children find the beauty in all things; unfortunately, we adults become conditioned and hardened to the greatness around us. God has surrounded us with magnificence and all we can see is the mundane. God places people in our lives that we sometimes perceive as obstacles when they are just what we need to fulfill it.

Children are never in a hurry...they dance through life...we run...children sing when there's no music...we can't even hear the music for all the noise of life. Where's the magic of childhood - the beauty - the innocence - the vision!

I believe this is what Jesus meant when He said, "become like little children"- humble, innocent visionaries who live, laugh, and above all else love unconditionally. The heart of a child is the pattern by which we are to live. The eyes of a child are examples of how we are to see.

Just Bb

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