Sunday, March 18, 2012

The winds of change...

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven...Ecc 3:1 

Seasons...Webster says seasons are a time characterized by a particular circumstance or feature. Here in South MS the seasons are not so clearly defined, as a matter of fact we haven't seen a Winter in quite some time. Despite the weather I feel a new season coming, the winds of change are blowing. I have an urgency to make some pretty hard changes to adjust for this new season. God is calling me up to a new level, a new place, a new glory (2 Cor 3:18) 

Most people, myself included, are not fans of change but God is calling me and my ministry to a new place, a new level, a new glory! I will go where God calls me. Change is typically not easy, nor is it always fun but the results are always rewarding IF you don't quit. I feel like God is not only calling me to a higher level but He is calling His church to RISE up...

He's breathing on you, and saying YOU WILL LIVE!!! (Ez 37) He is speaking to your souls saying Talitha Koum (Mark 5:41) The winds of change are blowing... Will you rise up and walk or will you remain in the valley of dry bones? 

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