We enjoy everything, as long as we're together...even cleaning our house! (yes..we're weird) We study one another, dote on one another and we KNOW each other so well, that neither of us has to ask what the other needs or wants...when she walks into the room I fall in love all over again. It's an epic love story...sounds cheesy I know... you should see us together. (YEAH--yeah I know....we even make fun of ourselves LOL)
The people that know us and love us can clearly see that what we share is special! They recognize that we make each other obliviously happy...they know that we complete one another! SO here's my question...
WHY does everyone else think that we are open to anything??? It amazes me that people assume that because I'm a lesbian that I am some hyper sexual pervert that is up for anything!!! Just the other day someone (I used to go to CHURCH with) approached me and asked me to shoot some videos (porn) with him and his fiance'!! EXCUSE ME??!!! Seriously!! I don't know what your STRAIGHT relationship is all about but what I have is soooo much more than sex!
We have what most people search for their entire lives and NEVER find! I will protect this relationship with EVERYTHING that I have, and for you to have the gall to try and undermine it reveals your character... or lack thereof.
I find it humorous, and even somewhat ironic that people think that I'm the perverted one, when THEY are the one's who, when they see us together, go immediately to our bedroom in their TWISTED imagination!! I must say that when I see a couple {gay or straight} I NEVER fantasize about their sex life EEWW-- So tell me WHO'S perverted? GET out of my bedroom you sick-o!! UGH!!!!
I know that most people don't understand and some even believe that what we are doing is a carnal sin...and it's ok for you to feel that way! You don't have to approve of my life to accept it...because it's NOT going to change and my love for her will NEVER waver!
I AM in LOVE.... I have found the person that completes me!
I hope that this paints a different picture for you about homosexuality! DROP the stereotypes because, as stereotypes go, IT IS INACCURATE!! What I have is not sick, twisted, or perverted but beautiful, exquisite, and precious!
If you would look beyond our gender and look at our hearts you would see the symmetry and harmony that we generate, and once you recognize it you wouldn't dare attempt to harm or contaminate it; it is a thing of beauty. We have what most people want--TRUE LOVE--you don't have to understand it or even approve of it all I ask is that you respect it!
Just Bb
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