If someone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen? And this commandment we have from Him: that he who loves God must love his brother also.--1 John 4:18-21
Today I was talking with a wonderful young woman, whom I've known for many years, and she told me a secret that she had kept most of her life. She guarded this secret with her life and tried just as hard to disguise it. In her attempts to camouflage what she thought an abomination, she portrayed herself to be someone that she wasn't and in her failed attempts to conform to what society considered "normal", her heart was repeatedly broken. As a consequent, she developed thick callouses that toughened her once delicate heart.
She texted me and said, "BTW I'm gay, and I refused to acknowledge this because I am convinced that God will hate me for it!" My heart was immediately broken because I understood this horrifying feeling....The God that I LOVE with everything is going to send me to hell because I'm gay...He can't love me...I'm an "abomination".... THIS HOPELESS thought...this LIE is responsible for countless suicides in the LGBT community. "GOD hates ME because I'm gay!!"
I must admit that I felt a holy indignation instantly rise inside of me and instantly I thought, how do we combat this deadly lie? Well, we first have to find it's source, and unfortunately the source is....yep, you guessed it Christians, not all Christians, but the uninformed, religious, zealous, 'christians' that so obviously DON'T know the heart of Christ! This rejection is NOT coming from my GOD.... this hopelessness is NOT coming from my God... this hate is NOT coming from my GOD...this condemnation is NOT coming from my GOD!!! MY GOD is LOVE....perfect love! This nonsense is coming from those who claim to know Him best...the church!
I am grieved by the anguish that it this young lady, along with countless others, endure.... Just a couple of weeks ago this same young lady showed me her arm where she had, in a drunken stupor, cut herself. She has begun to drink and cut herself to try and relieve some of the pain that is tormenting her on the inside; pain caused by the unbearable thought that God hates her because she's gay!! What an injustice...a violation...an outrage!!
WAKE-UP people!!! In your wicked attempts to be "righteous" you are responsible for many deaths. When you convince someone that they are innately evil because they are gay and, in their dispair, they go hang themselves, their blood is on your hands!!! YOU ARE IMPARTING FEAR!!! and God's Word clearly says that there is NO FEAR in love!!! You are ultimately KILLING people!!! Jesus came to give us LIFE...abundant life!! It was the enemy that came to KILL...who's side are you on anyway?
If God wants me to change something in my life He will let me know because I have a personal relationship with Him. MY RELATIONSHIP!!!
I am grieved by the anguish that it this young lady, along with countless others, endure.... Just a couple of weeks ago this same young lady showed me her arm where she had, in a drunken stupor, cut herself. She has begun to drink and cut herself to try and relieve some of the pain that is tormenting her on the inside; pain caused by the unbearable thought that God hates her because she's gay!! What an injustice...a violation...an outrage!!
WAKE-UP people!!! In your wicked attempts to be "righteous" you are responsible for many deaths. When you convince someone that they are innately evil because they are gay and, in their dispair, they go hang themselves, their blood is on your hands!!! YOU ARE IMPARTING FEAR!!! and God's Word clearly says that there is NO FEAR in love!!! You are ultimately KILLING people!!! Jesus came to give us LIFE...abundant life!! It was the enemy that came to KILL...who's side are you on anyway?
If God wants me to change something in my life He will let me know because I have a personal relationship with Him. MY RELATIONSHIP!!!
What if I told you that you were an abomination because your eyes are green...or because you are black...or because you're white--ALL of these things you have no control over. YOU were born that way--AS are WE!!! I mean, just the thought that God hates you because of something that YOU CANNOT change would be devastating to you! It could quite possibly be enough to cause you to simply give up on life...[think about that for just a moment]
I'm sick of people saying that homosexuality is a choice... I've got news for you, I CHOSE to be heterosexual most of my life because I didn't feel as if I could truly be me because "God would hate me" and as a result I became a drug addict! I had to be high in order to have any relationship with a man simply because it was so awkward and unnatural to me (YES I said unnatural)! As long as I was on drugs I was able to cope, but when I got clean I was forced to examine my heart and I wrestled with myself for a long time, because of the FEAR that I would GO TO HELL!
I DIDN'T choose to be gay I JUST AM-- This is not something that I just "decided" to be; who in their right mind would choose to be a social reject...an abomination...a ____________ you fill in the black with whatever slur you choose-- there are thousands!!!

Jesus NEVER condemned homosexuals NOT EVEN ONCE, so NEITHER do I--and please don't pull out those 6 verses to try and convince me otherwise until you DO SOME research and read them in the CONTEXT in which they were written!!
OAN: Jesus did, however, address divorce and might I remind you that approx.. 50% of all Christian marriages end in divorce--and NO ONE rejects or condemns them to hell--OH NO they just embrace them and officiate their next wedding in 18 to 24 months!
...AND please don't let me hear you say, "I love the sinner but hate the sin" This statement does NOT FLY with me or any other homosexual because YOU consider homosexuality the "sin" so ultimately what you're saying is I hate you... UH hello I'm gay---so I AM what you HATE--THERE's no love in that statement it's just the "spiritually correct" thing you say to try and make yourself look and feel righteous!
I DIDN'T choose to be gay I JUST AM-- This is not something that I just "decided" to be; who in their right mind would choose to be a social reject...an abomination...a ____________ you fill in the black with whatever slur you choose-- there are thousands!!!

Jesus NEVER condemned homosexuals NOT EVEN ONCE, so NEITHER do I--and please don't pull out those 6 verses to try and convince me otherwise until you DO SOME research and read them in the CONTEXT in which they were written!!
OAN: Jesus did, however, address divorce and might I remind you that approx.. 50% of all Christian marriages end in divorce--and NO ONE rejects or condemns them to hell--OH NO they just embrace them and officiate their next wedding in 18 to 24 months!
...AND please don't let me hear you say, "I love the sinner but hate the sin" This statement does NOT FLY with me or any other homosexual because YOU consider homosexuality the "sin" so ultimately what you're saying is I hate you... UH hello I'm gay---so I AM what you HATE--THERE's no love in that statement it's just the "spiritually correct" thing you say to try and make yourself look and feel righteous!
Nevertheless, I was extremely excited for this young lady as she took her first step out of that lonely, dark, isolated, closet and I pray that she is met with LOVE, the kind of love in 1 John 4.... PERFECT LOVE! The kind of love found in 1 Cor 13 NEVER FAILING--not RUDE and LOVE that bears ALL things!!!
I write this blog, a Christian, as a way of pleading her case along with millions of others...Please STOP trying to change people and turn them into something they're not--This is producing depression, anxiety, drug addicts, alcoholics, and even DEATH--If anyone's going to perform any transformation of any kind, it will BE GOD...not you!! Just do what Jesus commanded, LOVE your neighbor...your straight neighbor AND your GAY neighbor!!
I pray that you hear my heart and not my hurt--I pray that this triggers compassion in you and not anger--I pray that you can step into this young lady's shoes for just a moment and experience her distress and despair-- and I pray that you hear Jesus' heart whisper, "I died for her, just as I died for you. I forgave her, just as I have forgiven you. When I said, "It is finished" I meant it is finished."
I write this blog, a Christian, as a way of pleading her case along with millions of others...Please STOP trying to change people and turn them into something they're not--This is producing depression, anxiety, drug addicts, alcoholics, and even DEATH--If anyone's going to perform any transformation of any kind, it will BE GOD...not you!! Just do what Jesus commanded, LOVE your neighbor...your straight neighbor AND your GAY neighbor!!
I pray that you hear my heart and not my hurt--I pray that this triggers compassion in you and not anger--I pray that you can step into this young lady's shoes for just a moment and experience her distress and despair-- and I pray that you hear Jesus' heart whisper, "I died for her, just as I died for you. I forgave her, just as I have forgiven you. When I said, "It is finished" I meant it is finished."
...You really have no idea the agony that we endure from those that are called to LOVE like HE loves.... Open your heart and set your religion aside--
GOD CANNOT HATE ME.... how can you???

A Word of encouragment for my girl:
For when we were still without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. For scarcely for a righteous man will one die; yet perhaps for a good man someone would even dare to die. But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him. For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life. And not onlythat, but we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received the reconciliation.--Romans 5:6-11
Just Bb
Thank you for this!