This question forces me to ask myself another....Have I looked beyond the obvious? This question sparks yet another....Is my first impression accurate and true? And again I must ask myself another....Is is possible to know the truth without challenging it first?

I have met people and the first thing I thought was how beautiful or attractive they were....then I got to know them and after a deeper look their looks dwindled...has this ever happened to you? I have looked at situations and made harsh judgements but after climbing into their position I quickly got a new outlook as I was able to see things from another point of view.

I believe that we miss out on so much in our life times due to small mindedness and tunnel vision. We must ALWAYS remember that there is a bigger picture...that people only show us what they want us to see...and that we can find something new and beautiful in EVERY situation if we will just look a little deeper...investigate a little longer...ask a few more questions and GET TO KNOW what you didn't know so that you can see what you didn't see before!
Unfortunately due to my pretentiousness and superficiality I missed out on a lot of wonderful friendships and wonderful occasions...But now I have vowed to stop and find the hidden treasures in life, in people, and in you! Please extend me and my life the same courtesy---it may look insane from the outside, but on the inside is a creative work of art and a happily ever after...
Just Bb
The human mind...simply amazing when we use it:)