free·dom /ˈfrēdəm/
The power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.
synonyms...liberty; independence
Freedom, it's the heartbeat of the United States. Countless lives have been offered up selflessly by our Nations heroes to protect our liberty, our independence, our FREEDOM. Freedom to worship God, to speak freely about our beliefs, to vote for the leader of our choice. Freedom to speak our minds, freedom to raise our families, freedom to live our lives as we see fit!!!
Freedom to marry whom we choose????---YES, unfortunately, that is a question mark.....

I know that many will read this and immediately get angry...but FREEDOM is FREEDOM there are no exceptions or exemptions! You don't have to agree with me to know that what I say is right.... My freedom should not hang on your opinions! Freedom is NOT nor will it ever be a matter of OPINION it is a state of's the spirit of America...the heartbeat that is the USA
I'm proud to be an American, the land of the free? I'm so saddened by the limitations that hang on my freedom. I can only be as free as you allow me to be? I can marry whom you say I can marry? I can love only the one that you approve? I'm sorry but I DO NOT UNDERSTAND this reasoning....It's sanctimonious, at best!
FREEDOM, EQUALITY, and JUSTICE for all, this is what our COUNTRY, the United States of America, is all about! THIS is what makes our Country magnificent! I LOVE my Country all I'm asking is that I am given the same FREEDOMS as everyone else.
I am excited about this movie...Last Ounce of Courage! Now I ask you one favor, as you watch it remember that this standard of freedom applies to EVERYONE, not just heterosexuals, not just Christians (BTW I am one), not just______________ you fill in the blank!
Just Bb
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