All this Chic-Fil-A talk over the past few days has been, to say the least, unnerving. It has effected EVERYONE is some shape, form, or fashion whether it be by offending them or someone they love, challenging their belief system, or just simply clogging up their Facebook page.
I have seen it and heard it so much that it has effected my dreams; just last night I had a nightmare about giant chickens taking over the world. I remember saying, "this is what happens when you give stupid animals steroids---they get so big they think they can take over!!"

This dream disturbed me so much that I began to research chicken behavior; I wanted to make sure that this "chicken coup" was not a real thereat. In my research I found that chickens are very strange creatures, they have what is called a "pecking order" and this system assures that the strongest bird with the most authority gets the most food. Enforcing their authority the "dominant" chicken will push, peck, and exclude the weaker chickens; not to mention all the squawking they do. These bullies are infamous for pecking their fellow chickens to death.
People, not unlike chickens, who get wise in their own eyes or, as my mother would say, "too big for their britches" tend to put themselves above others. They become, pardon the pun, the "head pecker", bullying those that they feel are beneath them.
NOW it all makes sense... Chickens are BULLIES!!!
...enough said
Just Bb
“So those who are last now will be first then, and those who are first will be last."--Matt 20:16
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