God told Moses to send LEADERS from each tribe to spy out the land that He was giving them. For this, Moses chose the heads of each tribe and those chosen men then left the wilderness and went into the land of Canaan. Each came back with reports of milk and honey; they even brought back proof positive that the land was abundant with FRUIT.....BUT they also reported that the land had fortified cities and GIANTS! (Lions..Tigers..and Bears OH MY!!!!)
Despite the milk, honey, and fruit, and not to mention the promise of the Father, they refused to go into this land...Too much CHANGE...TOO many CHALLENGES...TOO many GIANTS!!! They simply refused to "come out" going as far as to rise up against Moses even threatening to stone the positive Caleb and Joshua who trusted the word of God and were trying to lead them into this more fruitful place!
These people chose to remain in the humble abode of their microscopic wilderness over God's immense promised land!!! Never receiving for themselves God's inheritance--Never being as FRUITFUL as they could be--missing out on the vast bounty that is the reward of this change....
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changing our minds!!!!
Marilyn Monroe once said, "Sometimes good things fall apart so that better things can fall together." The wilderness was a good thing for a short time--(If for no other reason than for some of the home born slaves to die off so that change could even be an option) BUT now it's TIME to COME OUT!! I know how scary change can be, but GOD is in control..it may seem as if EVERYTHING is falling apart--but sometimes that's what it takes takes to catapult us into bigger and better places!!!
TIMES they-are -a-changin' and you can either change with them or miss the blessing... God's calling His church out of the small wilderness and into a VAST land filled with milk and honey...Granted there are still many GIANTS (religion and close mindedness) that need to be conquered...But I myself am armed and, like Joshua and Caleb, I believe that with God's help WE can take 'em!!!
We have been in the wilderness (closet) far TOO LONG...it's time to "come out" and let go of that "grasshopper" mentality and FIGHT for OUR inheritance...OUR place in the promised land...OUR milk and honey!!! We have to PUSH past the religious renegades that want to continue walking in the same ritualistic circles around the same ole' mountain and become revolutionaries!
-Someone's gotta take the lead!!! MIGHT as WELL be us!! A new generation--a JOSHUA generation that leads the church into the PROMISED LAND!!
I mean the wilderness is just NOT big (nor exciting) enough for ALL of us!!
The Church is heading into a new land... a land where EVERYONE is welcome and no one is excluded!! It's the land that Christ died for....A land filled with LOVE and ACCEPTANCE--that produces the fruit Jesus intended...UNITY!!!
Will you follow Him into the promised land? Or will you remain silent... stuck in the wilderness with the religious people... sitting silently hidden on the back pew... where there are no giants.. no challenges... no fruit....NO INHERITANCE!!! Change is costly...challenging...and often times painful, but the reward...SWEET
I KNOW that God has called me to a land flowing with milk (love) and honey (acceptance)! He will go before me and take care of the giants! I REFUSE to be SILENT and isolated in the wilderness I WILL NEVER sit on the back pew I'M A FRONT ROW kinda girl!! ---I'm standing up and COMING OUT!!! I'M CROSSING OVER!!!
STAY in the wilderness if you want BUT I'M COMING OUT and I'm just looking for a giant or two to behead!!! Will you stay or will you go????
I am a CHRISTIAN and I AM GAY and every promise in the Bible belongs to me too...AND I'm going to RECEIVE them!! and there is NO GIANT that is going to stop me!!
Just Bb
“Let us go up at once and take possession, for we are well able to overcome it.”
Num 13:30