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Have you noticed the coupon craze?
People everywhere are clipping coupons and looking for the best deal--I think there's even a reality show that features people who have become experts at finding these great deals. But you always have to read the fine print or when it comes time to check out you will find that what you believed to be the deal of a lifetime is no longer valid....
This generally happens when you try to combine 2 different deals...
Have you ever noticed how people change throughout their lives?
We all go through life picking up new ideas and holding fast to old ones. We meet new people, and we tend to "pick up" things about that person that we admire and we apply them to our own life. I have often found myself "picking up" words or mannerisms from the people who pass through. [Its made me a better person] I think we all do this; we go through life picking up great things from different people and YES even different cultures, until we have created a beautifully diverse work of art that we call ME.
I have picked up so many great things from so many great people...I have also picked up some not so great things. But I as walk through this life I have learned that sometimes I have to let go of some pretty deep imbedded ideas. Some of these ideas have been so deeply engrained into who I am that the thought of even thinking they might be wrong is almost overwhelmingly terrifying....BUT
Jesus was a radical revolutionary in that He came to reconcile ALL cultures and ALL people unto Him. He even used the most unlikely person to do so...Paul who was the Pharisee of Pharisees Saul, who was a zealous young man with ambitions of being great in the Temple. He was so passionate about the things that had been indoctrinated into his very being (The Law) that he went out persecuting EVERYONE whose beliefs challenged his. Then one day Jesus knocked Paul off of his high horse and sent him out to the Gentiles. [People that even the Christians didn't want to touch]
Jesus is always trying to reconcile ALL people unto Himself, whether you agree with them or not. He said, "Let the little children come unto me, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." SUCH as these (Matt 19:4)...what did He mean by "such as these"? Most people will probably say because children are innocent...but the truth is we are all born into sin and a child learns to lie and manipulate before their 2nd birthday, so innocence is probably not the answer.

It's probably because children have no prejudice or bias. They haven't had a chance to be contaminated with the ideas of their particular culture or society. They just want to play with each other and enjoy one another's company. Jesus also said a few verses before in Matt 18:3.. "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
It is time that we get off of our "high horse" and let go of some deep rooted ideas and just love people as Christ loves people. Just accept one another despite our differences, and yes maybe even celebrate our diversity-- Heck we may even become "better" for it.
I love people...ALL people
I know its a tad cliche but I'm asking you WWJD? I believe that He would LOVE people...and if He finds things in their lives that He wants them to change He will deal with that person personally through their own relationship with Him...You see I believe the the church has gotten so tied up in trying to "change" people to fit into their culture that they have forgotten to love people and let God do the changing. If I won't validate someone because they're a different deal than I, then I miss a huge opportunity to grow and become better...and they will never have a chance to learn from me either--WE BOTH LOSE!!
Church signs say things like:
"Everyone Welcome"
"Reaching for those that nobody wants"
"No one turned away"
But what does the fine print say?
Just Bb
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