The older I become the more I realize that with age I am beginning to change--dramatically.
My hair is turning white and my body just doesn't work as well as it did just 5 short years ago.... My joints, especially my hands, hurt and some days it seems that I am losing my grip. AND I'M ONLY 37!!!!!---I'm falling apart :(does anyone hear the violins):
As my body changes and matures so does everything else... The way I see things...The way I handle things and I'm finding it a whole lot easier to just let go of offenses when just five short years ago I would have a "death grip" on them! I would "hold on" to the small stuff allowing them to infect me and steal my peace and my joy.
These days I have decided that my peace and joy are entirely too precious! I refuse to release them so that I can "grab hold" of something as simple as an offense. I realized that it's impossible to "hold on" to anger & peace simultaneously...I CHOOSE the latter!
I was in a class a couple months ago learning about the brain, and I got a clear picture of what maturity brings--intelligence over emotion-- meaning I lead my emotions not the other way around. Choosing to allow offenses to roll off of my back, is my intelligence leading my emotion.
A new maturity has come and I have "lost my grip" and given it to God. --I think I have spiritual arthritis -PRAISE's hurts a whole lot more to HOLD ON to something than it does to release it-- Most things are not even worth "taking hold" of in the first place-- so I don't sweat the small stuff; I choose to let it go!
Just Bb
OAN: Remember when you hold onto offenses it not only steals your peace and joy but it can rob those you love of theirs as well--
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